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Jan 13, 20211 min read
Mudra Band by Wearable Devices Won Best Wearable Award at CES2021
Presenting the Best of CES 2021 winners! As Wednesday draws to a close, so does a grand social experiment: the first-ever online-only...

Jan 13, 20211 min read
This Nifty Strap Lets You Control the Apple Watch With Gestures
Controlling an object with a hand gesture sounds more like Jedi wizardry than a real-life possibility. But after watching a CES 2021 demo...

Jan 13, 20211 min read
The future of mind-controlled tech is already here, sort of
I got sent a dev kit for something that arrived just a few weeks ago and this type of tech is interested me. Since last year and well...

Jan 12, 20211 min read
Presenting the Best of CES 2021 finalists! Mudra Band for Apple Watch
We’ll admit, we weren’t entirely sure what to expect when we agreed to judge the annual Best of CES Awards without an in-person show. How...

Jan 9, 20211 min read
This gesture-sensing band could make the Apple Watch more accessible
We often think of touchscreen displays as one of the more accessible ways to interact with our gadgets. But a variety of physical and...

Jan 9, 20211 min read
Mudra Band allows you to use the Apple Watch without tapping the screen
Touchscreens are accessible to a lot of people, but not to all. Those who suffer from physical and cognitive disabilities might even find...

Jan 9, 20211 min read
Apple Watch's New Gesture-Band Allows You to Use It Without Touching the Screen
Apple Watch just got even better as it receives a new gesture-sensing band! The newly added feature allows users to access and activate...

Jan 5, 20211 min read
The technology of the future could be right under your nose — literally
High-tech glasses, wristbands and masks are just some of the wearable tech that will be showcased at CES 2021. The devices are meant to...
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